To solve image spacing, a nice feature would be a minimum thumbnail size option? Or even better perhaps a procedural auto thumbnail resize option, taken from available window width & number of images across? Or at least a wrapping function, for when window too narrow (see attached).
That empty header block seems not to be on all pages in this theme - given it is apparently optional, is there way to turn it off in gallery? Pages are already looking very cluttered, and would be good to minimize visual impact of non-image items, and to minimize scrolling needed to see full sized images with notes
Suggested ways to reduce dominance of header blocks etc attached - are these possible?
What looks like some weird database corruption is also now creeping in after last couple of pictures I added - text appearing where it shouldn't, Also images stop displaying if given same title (even though different file names)
Also, editing image name or other details seems to often cause images to no longer appear in listing - sometimes even when thumbnails regenerated. Even when regen thumbnails does help, this doesn't help ordinary users who edit their own images - my users complain of missing images that are actually not missing but have become invisible
... And I just found a non working 'return to gallery' link at bottom of each image page, and user avatar image file also seems not linked, and there seems to be some sort of text parsing issue with the character '&' in image description (all shown in 3rd attached screenshot)
That empty header block seems not to be on all pages in this theme - given it is apparently optional, is there way to turn it off in gallery? Pages are already looking very cluttered, and would be good to minimize visual impact of non-image items, and to minimize scrolling needed to see full sized images with notes
Suggested ways to reduce dominance of header blocks etc attached - are these possible?
What looks like some weird database corruption is also now creeping in after last couple of pictures I added - text appearing where it shouldn't, Also images stop displaying if given same title (even though different file names)
Also, editing image name or other details seems to often cause images to no longer appear in listing - sometimes even when thumbnails regenerated. Even when regen thumbnails does help, this doesn't help ordinary users who edit their own images - my users complain of missing images that are actually not missing but have become invisible
... And I just found a non working 'return to gallery' link at bottom of each image page, and user avatar image file also seems not linked, and there seems to be some sort of text parsing issue with the character '&' in image description (all shown in 3rd attached screenshot)